Sunday, June 28, 2009

St. Croix State Park Campgrounds

Troy & I decided to go camping at the last minute. We thought we would chance it and camp at one of the state parks non-reservable campsites.

There are 3 state parks fairly close together heading north on I-35. Interstate State Park, Wild River State Park & St. Croix State Park. After we got on the road, I called each to check on campsite availability.

Interstate Park had no campsites left. This was our first choice as there are only 37 campsites in the campground.

Wild River had 2 spots left, both hike-in camping spots. (Too bad we don't have lightweight gear)

St. Croix State Park claimed to have over 25 non-reservable spots left.

When we reached St. Croix State Park we were fairly impressed by the stately entrance and the 5 mile drive before reaching the campground area.

Driving through we noted only a small hand of campsites left and none offered much privacy from the neighboring campsites. The sites were so close together that we felt like we were trying to find parking at Walmart.

Here’s the breakdown on St. Croix’s 3 Campgrounds:

Riverview Campground has 59 sites, mostly electric for RV type camping

Paint Rock Springs has 66 campsites - non-electric, communal type sites.

Old Logging Trail Campground has 90 campsites, non-electric. This would be the only area we would ever consider camping in – The sites offered some privacy between campsites, but you could still see the front/ back of your neighbors regardless.

We counted 15 kids in a pack riding their bikes down the middle of the road, and later another gang of 10-15 walking on the road towards the bathroom area. My guess is with 217 campsites, there were at least 850 people camping at St. Croix State Park.

This just wasn't our kind of camping and we opted for the comfort and privacy of our living room. Next time, we’re going to reserve our spot at one of the smaller campgrounds or try our hand at camping in one of the State Forests.

Friday, June 12, 2009

Megan's 14th Birthday

June 10th - The day before the last day of school my Missy Megan turned 14.

Megan wanted steak for her birthday meal so we made reservations at Caspers Cherokee Sirloin House. The place is a big red barn complete with chuck wagon out front.
Megan had the steak and crab.

Becca and her friend William came up for the celebration.
I love seeing my sister.

Presents included an birthday tiara from Becca, an AC/DC shirt and pair of blue Converse from Troy, and a Rocawear purse from me.

June 11th was the last day of school. Megan wanted to have a birthday sleepover with 5 of her closest friends. It was a pretty typical sleep-over and thankfully no one got sick or wanted to go home at 2am.

Breakfast after the sleepover consisted of toaster strudels and chocolate mint ice cream. No better breakfast on the first day of summer. Unless you like pancakes.

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Father Hennepin State Park Camping

June 5th we went camping at Father Hennepin State Park.

Father Hennepin State Park is located on the south east corner of Lake Mille Lacs. The area was absolutely beautiful and our campsites were nice and big. Unlike Sakatah Lake State park there was plenty of tree canopy to ensure privacy.

Our campsite was just a few hundred yards from Lake Mille Lacs. I loved being so close to the water and surrounded by so many trees. With all of the trees, it felt a good 15 degrees cooler at the campsite then in the city.

We knew this weekend was supposed to be rain-filled. Luckily we got in a good day of camping before calling it quits around 3pm on Saturday.

Troy and I may go without the kids next time and get our a bit more of our nature on.

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