Monday, May 25, 2009

Memorial Day Weekend in South Dakota

Troy took me to his hometown over Memorial Day Weekend. This was my first trip to South Dakota since I was in the 5th grade.

We were kid free for the weekend - an excellent opportunity for us to road trip and hopefully do some hunting!

The car ride was actually a lot of fun. I had resisted going on road trips for the longest time. I guess I had never been with anyone I wanted to spend that much time in a car with. In the 9.5 hours we spent on the road, Troy "mysteriously" got a peanut M&M up his nose and we plowed through a pound of pistachios.

South Dakota was beautiful. We managed to hunt down a few prairie dogs and retired to our room early Sunday night for much needed Troy-Sarah time.

Pics below!

Monday, May 18, 2009

Sakatah Lake State Park - Camping

May 15th we took our first camping trip of the season to Sakatah Lake State Park.
Although a bit cold, we had an excellent time and managed to find plenty of the elusive Morel Mushroom.

The park was in a beautiful spot right on the Cannon River. I think the only downside to camping at Sakatah Lake State Park was the Park Ranger. He was pretty much a nosy noserton/no-fun haver.

I ran around the whole weekend with a big grin on my face. I love doing the family things with my family.

Posting a few pics of our trip!