Friday, July 24, 2009

Busan - Day 3

It's been overcast since we arrived - Today we woke up to steady rain. We drank 2 pots of coffee then tried to call the kids. They don't answer the phone when I call. Guess they are having such a good time with aunt Becca that I'm just a distant memory.

Takayla & Jake had to work today. This is Takayla's last day of work until we leave. It will be nice to have her tour us around a little bit.

Charmagne went with Takayla to see where she works and listen in on her classes. Unfortunately they wouldn't allow her to stay.

Troy & I wandered around the Lotte Hotel - 7 floors of shopping. Kind of like a Macys. I found some pretty sweet shoes, but wasn't going to pay 139,000 Won for them.
The people working the shops were very, very attentive. The second you touched an item they were right next to you. I ended up not wanting to touch anything - just easier that way since neither Troy nor I have bothered to learn any of the language.

After browsing around the mall for an hour or so we decided to eat - All of the restaurants have lifelike plastic displays of their food. We settled on a place that boasted a giant lobster with Marciano cherry eyes.

We were directed to a table and immediately given a menu. The waitstaff was very attentive. She pointed out a few items for us. We assume these were the things that were available. We decided on a beef veggie stew that was cooked for us at the table and served with an array of sides.

I'm pretty sure we were doing it wrong as most people appeared to be laughing at us and absolutely everyone ordered little, tiny, baby chicken soup - called Samgyetang - next time we'll know better.

The exchange rate when we changed over our money to Won was $1 = 1250W

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