Saturday, December 25, 2010

Christmas 2010

We had 2 Christmas's this year. The first at home, then off to South Dakota for more Xmas and even more...HUNTING!

Our beautiful Christmas tree!




I luv my xmas hat!

Walking out to a doe we shot - I guess this was from our Thanksgiving trip.

Eagles Nest

Sarah & Troy w/doe. She had trouble dying. I believe we ended up shooting her brains out but I don't have a picture of that.

Me with my first buck!

Xmas in South Dakota

This is Troys Aunt - Jim's sister - with a beautiful quilt she got for xmas.

Oh my god! Sam is smiling.

Baby Superstar

Sam won.

Friday, November 26, 2010

Thanksgiving 2010

We ended up going to South Dakota for Thanksgiving this year...and to do a bit of hunting :)
Sam and Megan stayed with their dad for the holiday.
Travis brought his new girlfriend, Crystal and her child. This was our first time meeting them.

Crystal, Grandma and Val at the table.

Crystal and Grandma checking the food.

Troy and Travis hanging out.

Jim & Charm

Leann, Troy & Jade - with my favorite "Old Man and Soup" picture.

We did end up hunting with Jim K. & Travis -


Jim K's Buck

Celebratory Bush Light

Mmmmm Sausage

Not sure what to say here....nice Troy!

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Sam's 13th B-Day Sleepover

Samantha had a few friends spend the night to celebrate her 13th birthday.
Cupcakes, Pin the Tail on the Donkey, Pizza, Pinata, Popcorn & Movies. Only one girl ended up going home around 11pm due to Munch Allergy.

Sam and Friends Pre-Food.

Colorful Cupcakes

OMG Who's texting me now?

Pin the tail...

Megan Won!


Dead in 6 Hits

Tuesday, October 12, 2010


I received a promotion today. Very nice timing and % increase. :) Yay me!

Monday, October 4, 2010

Settled In

We are finally settled into our new house. I love being here. We have an excellent backyard and plenty of space to spread out.

We decided to have the girls stay at their original schools, even though we are a bit over the boundary lines. But with Megan getting straight A's we felt it was worth the extra drive in the morning.

The fire pit out back is amazing. We are surrounded by oak trees, and were blessed with a nice pile of firewood to burn. I bought 3 oak benches at the Elko Traders Market over Memorial Day weekend. The benches are made from an old log cabin. They are the perfect addition. Much better than the old Adirondack chairs everyone else has.

The neighbors to our left are an older retired couple. NICE.

Unfortunately we haven't been camping much this year - the new house took up a lot of our time.

We have a hunting trip planned again over Thanksgiving/Sam's Birthday. I am looking forward to Charmagnes Ham Gravy & Biscuits!

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Berly Weekley

My grandmother, Beryl Weekely (90) passed away August 11th 2010 after an extended shit-storm which started with her car accident during the famous Iowa flood. She was never herself after that.

Rebecca & I wearing hot pink - Grandma B's Best Color

Grandma B loved to visit Hawaii. She went every year, during the good years. I remember her bringing me back a beautiful Lei and a Hawaiian dress when I was 6. I loved that damn ugly dress!

This is the lei I had commissioned by Karla Scheiner - the best florist in the world. Thank-you Karla!

We threw the lei into the Indian Creek - by the Nature Center where Grandma B. spend a lot of time volunteering and teaching classes. She loved her some nature. (Indian Creek Nature Center)

Beautiful glass doors to the sanctuary at the Westminster Presbyterian Church in Cedar Rapids. Grandma B donated thousands of dollars and hours upon hours of her time to this church.

After the service we had a reception in the church basement, per Presbyterian Protocol... The ladies of the church were very gracious.

Sally (Jones) Shannon (aunt) and her daughter Megan Shannon (1st Cousin) flew in from Clearwater Florida

Emily (Camp) Curtis, my 1st cousin came in from Los Angeles (Em was always my favorite cousin)

Matts hair - longer than mine, but maybe not quite as long as Sams.

All of us.

RIP Grandma B. Miss you. Say hi to Susan, Ev and Franco for us.