Monday, March 1, 2010

Lamb Chop - Lamb is Delicious

Lamb is delicious. I would have to say that lamb is the best meat on the planet.
The first time I tasted lamb was in the 7th grade. I was at an overnight with my friend Melody Sanders. Her parents owned a self sustaining farm just outside of my hometown of Vinton. During my stay, her parents offered me a left over lamb chop from their dinner the night before. I'm pretty sure I ate it cold, straight from the fridge. It was ablsolutely delicious.

Since eating that lamb chop, I was unable to aquire more lamb until well into adult hood. Following my first lamb experience, the only lamb I had been exposed to was lamb at a buffet stiyle restaurant. It was freeze dried lamb, and nothing as flavorful as that first lamb chop.

In the last year, I have eaten more lamb than ever before in my life.
My boyfriend cooked me a beautiful lamb dinner shortly after we started dating, I was able to order lamb in fancy restaurants during our subsequential dates, lamb was recently introduced at our local grocery store, and most recently I had lamb at a fancy french restaurant in St. Paul.
Guess what?! Tonight, I am cooking LAMB!

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