Friday, November 26, 2010

Thanksgiving 2010

We ended up going to South Dakota for Thanksgiving this year...and to do a bit of hunting :)
Sam and Megan stayed with their dad for the holiday.
Travis brought his new girlfriend, Crystal and her child. This was our first time meeting them.

Crystal, Grandma and Val at the table.

Crystal and Grandma checking the food.

Troy and Travis hanging out.

Jim & Charm

Leann, Troy & Jade - with my favorite "Old Man and Soup" picture.

We did end up hunting with Jim K. & Travis -


Jim K's Buck

Celebratory Bush Light

Mmmmm Sausage

Not sure what to say here....nice Troy!

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Sam's 13th B-Day Sleepover

Samantha had a few friends spend the night to celebrate her 13th birthday.
Cupcakes, Pin the Tail on the Donkey, Pizza, Pinata, Popcorn & Movies. Only one girl ended up going home around 11pm due to Munch Allergy.

Sam and Friends Pre-Food.

Colorful Cupcakes

OMG Who's texting me now?

Pin the tail...

Megan Won!


Dead in 6 Hits