Sunday, December 6, 2009

Christmas Tree

Troy helped us pick out & set up our Christmas Tree. This is the first time we have had a live tree pretty much ever. Sam was a big help and even strung lights on the deck this morning.

Superstar wants to help.

My blue eyed hotty.

I have the feeling that I will be doing a lot of this!

Monday, November 30, 2009

Thanksgiving 2009 - Deer Hunting in South Dakota

:) My first deer hunting trip in South Dakota. Thanksgiving day we were out from dawn till dusk and I shot my first deer. Went out again on Saturday - Troy's birthday. He shot a nice buck.

Watch video here of our hunt on YouTube:
- He just wouldn't give up the ghost.

My first doe.

Travis & Troy

Wearing my new Carhartt bibs - At least I'm warm!

The buck ended up running to the bottom of the ravine. Troy & I had to drag him quite a ways back up as the truck couldn't navigate the terrain. Too bad we didn't have enough rope in the truck....ahem.

A nice 4x4 Birthday Buck.

Superstar was scared of all the Monsters in South Dakota. So tired on the ride home. Big & Little :) Who would know they were twins?

Monday, November 23, 2009

Samanthas 12th Birthday

Samanthas Birthday lasted the entire weekend.
We started out on Friday with a sleepover - 4 of her closest friends screaming and giggling until at least 2:30am. I did go in around 2:15 and ask them what part of shut the hell up they didn't understand.

Saturday was Twilight Movie day.

Sunday we had Sam's requested meal:
Roast, Potatoes, Carrots, Green Bean Casserole, Brown & Serve Rolls & Cherry Pie.


A few pics of quilts I made.

Friday, November 13, 2009

Big Buck...Hunting in SD

Troy shot a pretty nice buck this morning. Not the one he had his heart set on, but a mighty nice buck. I think his lucky shirt had something to do with it.

Looking pretty grizzly with that beard!

RIP Franc Corrano

My first cousin Franc Corrano died early this morning. I don't have any of the details surrounding his passing. Franc was just a few months older than I was.
- I would also like to add that Facebook might not be the best place to let friends and family know a relative has passed away.

RIP Franco. Sally & Megan you are in my thoughts.

Monday, November 2, 2009


Pre-Halloween we carved pumpkins, ate Halloween cookies & drank warm apple cider. Below are pics of our pumpkins!

Halloween night pics - Sam is a french vampire, Braden was a mime.