Sunday, January 3, 2010

South Dakota Christmas - Birthday etc

Christmas/Birthday in South Dakota -

We left early for SD because Troys Grandfather passed away. Luckily we were ahead of the storm, which left us completely snowed in for 2.5 days. Christmas Eve, Christmas Day & my Birthday. We were unable to leave the house :)

The Christmas Tree at Charmagnes House

Traxxus hiding from the camera...again.

Megan Christmas Morning

Troy with the contents of his stocking

Samantha smiling Christmas morning

Missy Megan

With my birthday biscuit - later to be covered in gravy

Opening cashmere scarf.

Snow storm covered the entire car.

Snuggled on the couch resisting another birthday present. I think this was my new purse.

Samantha after playing in the snow storm

Charmagne & Takayla

Bobby Robert Price

Samantha making a special ed face while talking to Jason a special needs cousin. Leave it to Samantha.

Heidi, Traxxus & Charmagne

Samantha & Me

Grandma Price

Troy talking to Attorney Jim

Megan & Braden goofing off at Grandma Prices

Troy with his new stubby tools.

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